
©2021 www.odessapools.com

Odessa Swimmers - Winter is Here!  

The Odessa Neighborhood Pool Cleaners

Give your Family the Gift of Safe Swimming!
Google Rating for Tropical Pool Pros of Odessa
Every Child a Swimmer
American Swimming Coaches Association

Regular Pool Cleaning Plan: The Competent Custodian of Odessa Pools

This Regular Pool Cleaning Plan is specifically constructed for the pool owner who wants to perform some hands on pool care themselves, but leave the more critical tasks to experienced our technicians. Tropical Pool Pros of Odessa only employs the best technicians.

See the chart below showing the service duties of What We Do vs What You Do for the Regular Plan.

Starting at $99 per month

What We Do

We clean your automatic pool cleaner (bag / filter).
We keep your pool water healthy and purge any algae. Algae Free Guarantee.
We vacuum your pool monthly, not weekly.
We brush your pool (steps, walls, tiles).
We check your pool equipment.
We empty your pool skimmer and pump baskets.
We verify your automatic pool cleaner function.
We backwash your filter on regular basis.
We analyze your pool water and apply minerals and chemicals to keep your water in excellent condition.
We clean your pool sweep wall screen.
We help you monitor your pool operations by reporting any observations of pool issues.

What You Do

Net your pool surface and bottom.
Maintain sufficient water level.
Report any observations of swimming pool issues.
Additional pool vacuuming, if desired, on weeks we did not.
Keep the pool equipment operating approving repairs when needed.

Things to Know

There might be extra startup charges for initial cleaning & treatment.
Monthly service fee based on a 4 week billing period.
Stabilizer treatments every 3-4/months.
Full Plus Pool Cleaning Equipment and Chemicals

Have a busy schedule? Consider upgrading to our Full Plus Pool Cleaning Plan.

Other Pool Types in Odessa Florida

The most common swimming pools in Odessa, FL are inground pools. There are several reasons why inground pools are so common. With these pools you have the ability to customize the features, depth and shape of your pool. However, there are a couple of issues with inground pools that owners should be aware. The first issue is that because the pool has a slightly rough texture, algae growth is more likely to occur than it would be on some other types of pool, like a fiberglass pool. Odessa pool owners should also be aware that if metal based chemicals are used it can stain your pool's walls and floor. This requires special treatment to remove. The good news is that these issues are easily avoided when your pool is maintained and cleaned by a professional Florida pool service company.